Gotta Smile!

Gotta Smile!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Caution -- Items May Appear Larger......

March 29, 2012

Words of wisdom --- Never stand next to a very thin person for a picture!!!  Doing so may make you appear chubby. I know that must be what happened in this case. It probably had something to do with the camera and perspective. New diet starts today! 

 We spent the afternoon with Bob and Sara, who were our neighbors when we moved from California to Minnetonka, Minnesota. Now, our kids are older than we were when we were neighbors...34 years ago.  They just remodeled a house on the beach of Casey Key (about 20 miles from our boat). It's a great place with the beach right outside their back door and huge gulf views. (Word is -- Steven King takes a daily stroll through the neighborhood around 4:00.) 
To make the visit even better their daughter, Christine, was there and her nine month old daughter, Lucy.  Now, I know cute grandchildren. My four are exceptionally cute, but Lucy is a traffic stopper. She came into the world with red hair and beautiful light blue eyes. Her disposition is as sweet as her face. She's definitely a keeper!
Reconnecting with friends and finding out that we still have so much in common is one of the greatest bonuses of this voyage.  We'll definitely be back on this side of Florida again next winter.
Gotta smile -- we're lovin the ride!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Soooooo true! It is such a blessing to reconnect with old friends along the way ..... and meeting great new friends is heaven as well. Didi & Peter
