Gotta Smile!

Gotta Smile!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Moving North At 0 Miles Per Hour

June 9, 2012
Last week, we thought once again, we would be on our way north today.  First we thought we'd leave Stuart on the 1st, then the 9th, and now-----the 17th.  No matter how hard we try to live this simple uncomplicated life; we have to acknowledge that life is full of uncharted changes that we have no control over. We'll see how things unfold and what kind of surprises are yet to come.  Hey, no complications, no challenges, no life lessons equal a boring life!!!

Brian's new orange sideburns.
Reading emails while he waits for the doctor.
Brian saw the dermatologist yesterday.  We thought it would be a quick scraping that would put us on our way in less than an hour --- quickly followed by our departure from Stuart.   NO, No, No---4 1/2 hours and about 20 stitches later we were released after promising to return next Friday to have the stitches removed.  I volunteered to remove the stitches myself, but was quickly vetoed by the doctor, the nurse and Brian in unison.  We are fine with the latest changes.  We like Stuart.  We may not see as much up north as we had hoped this summer, but (hopefully) there is next year.  I'm a firm believer that everything works out for the all of this aggravating stuff is best taken care of in one location while we have a car and a support group.
New salon upholstery 

The upholstery guys finally got the salon couches completed yesterday.  Just in time for a 70th birthday party that we hosted for our neighbor.  The couches look very nice.  The lighter color really brightens the room.  

Peter, Ron (the birthday boy), Ingrid, Sonja & Terry
Sonja and Terry have the 58 foot Krogen that is next
to us.  It is huge!  Ten additonal feet make a big difference.

Brian and Maggie
Maggie and Peter are from Australia.
They are sailing their catamaran all the way home.
Yowza -- that is a huge adventure!

Christopher, our 6 year old grandson, arrives next Saturday for a month!   We can't wait.   His Mom and 3 year old sister, JAC, will join us for his last week. Yippee!!!

Breaking News  I have finally kicked my Diet Coke addiction.  I have cut back from eight cans per day to one or two.  You may ask, "How did she do that?  A woman with so little will power".  Well, the new addition to our boat is a Sodastream.  It is a machine that carbonates liter bottles of tap water.  Once the water is carbonated a capful of flavored syrup is added.  We didn't like the diet cola, but we love diet root beer, ginger ale and grapefruit.  It is a great substitute for cans of pop...much less expensive and so much easier to store.     
My plasebo -- the  new Sodastream

Gotta smile -- we're lovin the ride!


  1. Jackie and Brian,
    You guys know how to pack a week! From hours in surgery (OUCH! And non-worried patience ~ Jackie's forte, I'm sure!), to breaking in the new upholstery with a FUN Birthday celebration! Wow! We expect that same gusto to be applied once you are cruising we'll be seeing you soon!
    We're snug at the docks at Spring Cove Marina. Cute family owned and operated vacation spot..
    we'll be keeping the light on!
    Bon & Jon

  2. The new upholstery looks wonderful! We assume your stitches are out, Brian .... Christopher must have just arrived .... and you are on your way .... hopefully. Hugs to you all. Have a good ride up the ICW. Thinking of you as we get ready to GB. Didi & Peter
