Gotta Smile!

Gotta Smile!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Back In The Land Of Bouncing Dolphins

January 7 – 12, 2013

A backstreet with shops and restaurants.
We had one really fun day in St Augustine!  When we were here in June, Christopher was with us and our days were busy with the fort, trolley tour and pirate museum.  This time it was just fun to walk this great city.  About 5:00 we stopped at an Italian restaurant for a drink with Bonnie and Jon.  Next thing it was 9:30 the restaurant was closing, we had enjoyed dinner, lots of laughs and it was time to walk home. 


Another cemetery with crumbling tombs and
tipped headstones.
Checking out a menu

Twinkle lights decorate a city park near the marina,
Dense fog kept us in St Augustine until 11:00 on Wednesday.  Unseasonably warm weather and cooler water are the perfect combination for fog.  Because of the late start we had to find an alternate destination for the night.  We are members of Marine Trawler Owners Association.  The group has port captains that help members that are traveling in their territory.  Phil and Sara in Palm Coast offered docks to both of us.  We had never used the group’s service before, but Bonnie and Jon are active members and knew the routine.  It was great.  Nice people that just like helping others. 
This guy needs some lessons in anchoring and
reading tide tables. 

Must be a bachelor's pad.  The picture flatters it!

Three more days on the ICW with record warm weather.   The third day was my birthday!  Just three years until I turn 70.......then I can say anything I want and people will just say "she's old, she doesn't know what she's saying".  Brian claims that has been going on for years.          

As Brian prepared his famous Dutch Baby Pancake,
pirates arrived by kayak singing Happy Birthday. 

They didn't look too menacing so we invited them
on board for breakfast.

I was offered a difficult decision -- to keep the
treasure bag or my husband.  Hummmm?
Gotta smile -- we're lovin the ride!


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